Monday, August 11, 2014

Reflection Post for EME 2040

It is hard to believe that this class is already coming to an end. I can confidently say that I feel more knowledgeable about using technology in the classroom than I did before this class. I have been able to use different resources and assignments to help understand how to use technology in my classroom.

Textbook: I found the textbook, Transforming Learning with New Technologies, to be very helpful with this course. Each chapter taught an important concept for teachers to use while incorporating technology into the curriculum. The digital badge assignments allowed us to choose 3 important points from each chapter and elaborate on the key concepts. This was beneficial because it allowed us to really focus on the main messages from each chapter and document them for later use. The chapters were easy to read with bolded/colored labels. Each chapter also included colorful pictures, tables, graphs, and vocabulary terms.

Discussions: The discussion posts were created to allow each student to personally reflect and research about a certain topic. I liked comparing other students’ discussion posts with my own. It was interesting to read their thoughts and to share different ideas on a certain topic. For example, the last discussion post we had required that we discuss accommodation strategies for our students. I liked looking at other people’s ideas and their reasons for choosing their strategies. This assignment followed the learning outcome: students will evaluate and critique legal and ethical issues for using technology in the K-12 classroom. By commenting to other students posts, we were able to evaluate what was said about the topic and add to the other students reasoning.

Activities/Assignments:  The first assignment that we had was the website evaluation and critique. I thought this was a great website because we discussed how to determine whether or not a website was valid and appropriate. This followed the following learning outcome: the students will evaluate and critique various software and hardware tools to determine utility in a K-12 setting. The instructional strategy wiki assignment was a group assignment. This assignment allowed each group member to cover an instructional strategy by Marzano. It was a great assignment because we were learning and collaborating ideas at the same time. It was my first time using a Wiki and I really enjoyed the outcome of my group’s project. This assignment followed the following learning objective: the students will create a portfolio with samples reflecting ways technology can support classroom management, administration, and teaching in a K-12 classroom. All of the strategies that were used in the Wiki assignment covered this learning outcome. The webquest assignment is a great tool to allow students to work on a lesson plan using the internet technology to do so. Webquests are great teaching tools because there is so much that you can add to each page. There is also a teacher version of the webquest. The Lesson plan assignment was another group project that allowed 3 members to collaborate and create a multiple-day lesson plan. I was able to work with two other members who enjoyed social studies as much as I did. The following learning outcome was reached: students will analyze and evaluate a selection of technological tools for assisting English language learners and linking technology to strategies for teaching these students. We were able to come up with strategies for helping students that were English language learners. Overall, all of these assignments helped to encourage the use of technology in our future classrooms.

Here is a video on how to create your own WebQuest:

Resources/Websites: Each module shared helpful links to websites, videos, images, and other websites to help assist our understanding of each section. The tutorial videos for how to create our own blogger and how to use rubistar were the most helpful. I have never used any of these programs and now feel more confident after taking this class.

One of my favorite resources that I used was in Module 2 about using Rubistar. Here is a tutorial on how to create your own Rubric.

There is not much that I would change for this course. I feel like I did a pretty good job considering that this is my first pre-requisite teaching course and my first technology based class. I have learned information that will help with my other pre-requisite classes and when I start a teaching program. I plan to definitely use technology in my future classroom.


Maloy, R., O’Loughlin, R., Edwards, S., & Woolf, B. (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education Inc.

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Digital Badge # 8: Chapter 9 : Expressing Creativity with Multimedia Technologies

Digital Badge # 8
Chapter 9 : Expressing Creativity with Multimedia Technologies

3 Concepts:

 1) Powerpoint and Next Generation Tools
Powerpoint is by far one of the most popular multimedia technologies used in the classroom. Teachers can use it to share information on various topics. Students can create them as creative projects to share with the class. Most schools create them to share important information such as upcoming events, pictures from school celebrations, lunch menus, and bus information. The information in the powerpoint can be enhanced with different graphics, pop-ups, music, and charts/graphs. Most schools are now using document cameras to display worksheets or small items that are magnified on a large screen or SMART board. This chapter shares important advantages and disadvantages to using Powerpoint. The popular disadvantage is that students may become distracted or “zone out” from the presentation. The popular advantage is that the text can be added to pictures, charts, graphs, visuals, and other interesting additions. Powerpoints are also ways for students to display a collection of photographs.

2) Video in the Classroom
Providing videos in the classroom are great for students that are visual learners. Most teachers use video that are about 5-10 minutes long to prevent students from not paying attention or getting sidetracked. Most teachers can use the videos as a teaching tool to add to their class presentations. Younger grades can use videos to enhance subjects that students can get side tracked with such as math or language arts. Teachers can also use videos to allow students to compare/contrast characters or settings. Youtube is by far the most popular video hosting/sharing website. Students can not only watch videos on different subjects, but they can also create and upload their own videos! This is great for students that become interested in social communications and who possibly want to pursue a career with it in the future. The textbook suggests that teachers should pause and rewind videos often to check for students understanding and to repeat information that might have been missed.
Below is a video on Youtube that shows a popular Kids scientist demonstrating what static electricity is.

3) Photo-taking and Movie-making with Students
Digital media has become a very popular tool in the most recent years of education. Students have access to digital cameras and move programs that allow them to create, edit, and publish photos and videos. Students are able to generate projects using photos and videos to share information on a select topic. The students are able to practice active learning by filming, acting, editing, and viewing. I would encourage my students to create short commercials (group project) as an assignment. The students could create a commercial advertising a topic or taking a stand for a great cause. This assignment could be done with the use of a digital video camera. Digital video camera are easy to use and allow users to record and delete videos instantly. Students are able to learn about literacy through digital cameras. The teacher can take pictures to document memories in a class scrapbook. Younger grades could use classroom pictures to spell or write different vocabulary words. Art students could use pictures to digitally design graphics or images to use on the class website. English language learners could use digital storytelling to explain where they came from and what their culture is like.

Conclusion: This chapter explained how creativity and technology could intertwine. Most of the programs/tools discussed can be used for fun and for schoolwork. Powerpoints are such important performance tools that can be used for group or single student presentations. Videos in the classroom allow students to learn information in a comfortable and visual setting. Students can also create their own videos to show their interest in an important cause. The entire class could create a video to share what they have learned throughout the year. This chapter showed that technology can be very creative for students in numerous ways. This chapter will motivate students to take an interest in other tools used on the computer and with other assisting technologies.

Digital Badge # 7: Chapter 8 : Communicating and Collaborating with Social Media

Digital Badge # 7
Chapter 8 : Communicating and Collaborating with Social Media

3 Concepts:
1) Electronic Communication Between Teachers and Students
There are numerous types of electronic tools that teachers can use to communicate with their students. Some of the most popular ones include: email, teacher websites, blogs, online discussion, and wikis. This pretty much describes everything that we have used in this class so far! I think it is very important to have these tools because it gives students access to contact you, see what is due for homework, study important concepts, and create projects online. There are opportunities for teachers to practice synchronous and asynchronous communications. Synchronous is a type of communication that occurs in :real time” with a cell phone or through text messaging. There is a short wait time to hear from the second person. Asynchronous is a type of communication that involves some type of time delay. This could be through email, discussions, and blogs. Our textbook provides great reasons as to why integrating electronic communications into your teaching is effective. Students will be more engaged, it allows sharing of information with parents, allows publishing of student work, and teaches beyond the school day. I found an awesome video on Vimeo that shows a training session on how to use electronic communication with students.

2) Using Email and Text Messaging as a Teacher
Email has become one of the most popular forms of interaction for teachers. They are able to email other teachers, administration, and parents. I think it would be a great idea to have students create their own email accounts to practice writing professional emails and practicing proper “netiquette”. It will also allow students to email their teacher about assignments and other classmates for group projects. Text messaging has become a popular form of communication between students. I am not a fan of the students really using their phones in class. However, there are some apps that the students could use that would benefit the whole class. Students who do text message more frequently have to be careful about understanding what “text speak” is. For example, most students try to shorten their words with text messaging. Got to go turns into g2g or great would turn into gr8. This could also teach students to be more aware of their spelling and sentence structure.

3) Wikis as a Collaborative Learning Strategy

Wikis are such great tools for teaching students about any subject you choose to teach. A wiki is a blogspace or website that is collaboratively created and edited by a person or group of people. Wikis allow students and teachers to: use technology in a meaningful way, collaborate with peers, and publish writing and creative work. And receive feedback from others. Wikis promote creativity and collaboration in order to create an organized and informational website. More and more teachers are creating them to display important information on topics such as science and math. There are some strategies that must be used when creating wikis for students. These include: deciding on group processes, choosing the nature of the wikitext, watching for inappropriate/plagiarized material, and giving grades for the students work.


There are numerous ways that we can communicate with out students by using technology. Students are now able to work from home, contact the teacher and their peers, and create group work online. These concepts are beneficial for students who go to school online and also in a live classroom setting. Students can benefit from creating wikis with other peers or with their teachers. Students will also learn proper spelling and grammar by analyzing text messages and conversation lingo. This chapters is very important for teachers to understand how to communicate and collaborate better with their students by using social media.